
Got questions? You’re not alone! Here are answers to some of the more common ones.

Q: What is P2P as a Practice?

A: When you realize that P2P drives your revenue, profitability and customer satisfaction and you adopt a structured approach to get the most out of it you have P2P as a Practice.

Q: Why bother working with others when I can take all the profits myself?

A: Research from IDC, IAMCP and others clearly shows that Microsoft Partners will become more profitable and grow faster when they specialize and partner with others when their solutions demands skillsets that they do not have in house. This is also important for your Enterprise Value (EV) if you want to sell parts of your business as investors love someone that is focused on being great at something rather than trying to be ‘Jack of all trades’.

Q: When I look at the P2P Maturity Model I feel that I will never become Dynamic in all Business Functions and that bothers me.

A: Don’t worry! It is very hard to become Dynamic in all ten Business Functions but when you embark on this journey to improve your P2P skills you will most likely become Dynamic in a couple of Business Functions and you will surely improve maturity one or two steps in the other. It is important to improve across the board rather that being Dynamic in only a few but remain Basic in all the other. The important thing to remember is that every step of increased maturity will give you great ROI.

Q: Why should I be vocal about the partners that I work with? I want P2P to be my secret and secretly work with a few really great specialists.

A: There are great advantages being open with who is part of your circle of trusted partners. Customers will love to hear that you are ‘partnering friendly’ as that is often their biggest fear with vendors. Make sure that you talk about your partnerships on your website – and ask your partners to do the same. You will see that this will give you an advantage in the marketplace.

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